Supporting Artiste


17th October 2015

Can I Have a Line?

Today had an interesting start. Myself and this other gentleman had unwittingly become somewhat of a double act; always appearing together on-screen. So whilst being sewn into my costume I was quite taken-back by the 2nd AD greeting us with a joyfully “Morning!” followed by “Here are your sides, one of you is going to have a line today.” Talk about the deep end.

Obviously, the principles go to a mock-rehearsal, called a table read, well in advance where we’re never told anything until we’re on set. So even reading the sides which has the script and the general lay-out of the scene, we still don’t know what context it’s in until it’s time to shoot.

Which out of the two of us is to be decided by the 3rd AD once we’re on set and the principles have rehearsed their scene. There was no audition process, my colleague was chosen as he was closest. That was the decider.

Now, I unfortunately know way too many people who’d step over someone else just for the opportunity to break that barrier a little from SA to actor. The standard method is normally kiss-assery but there are quite a few malicious types to. Myself however, congratulated him and sat down with my coffee.

The thing is with me, I’m not that bothered about being featured. It’s a nice bonus sometimes, sure. But I find I get more work if I’m a faceless blur that occasionally meanders past the camera. For example, I’ve had quite a few appearances on a certain popular BBC program, but a feature I did on it recently will mean I’ll probably never be on there again. Not for a season or two at least until joe-public forgets my face.

When the first setup was done and they were turning the camera around, I applauded my colleagues performance and confessed my belief that he was the correct choice for the instance as he delivered the dialogue perfectly, which I think he appreciated. Not to mention, I had issues pronouncing one of the words which would not have gone well.

Due to the nature of the scene, I wasn’t used for the entirety of the day (again) but back on the local production next week so hopefully have something more interesting to report.

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